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June 2022 Newsletter

Writer's picture: brandonredeemerbrandonredeemer

*Pastor's Message

*Financial Statement


Communion (Regular services): 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.

1) Proof of Vaccination will not be requested; Masks will be optional. Please respect every ones choice

i) Collection plate will be at the back of the church and will be brought forward for the offering.

ii) singing will be permitted

iii) Zoom participants will be muted.

2) Mar 27: Resume in house worship (Wearing masks)

3) Please let me know of anyone in hosp. or other health issues.

4) Prayer List: we lift up (especially Roselie, Fern, Josie, Barb, Gladys, Pete & Ella, Renate, Alf & Annie, Colleen, Jan's dad Douglas, Lottie, Joyce, Kirsten, Ralph & Helen, Jean Brown, Heddy, Jon Parsons, Kathy Kirby (Arlene Pottingers daughter-in-law) & others lifted from my heart) Merciful God, receive our prayer.

5) A Reminder to all members who attend Zoom services. Please remember to send your Offering to Redeemer Lutheran by mail or drop off in the mailbox by the office door. Your financial gifts are appreciated.

Thanks Rick


Pastor's Newsletter - June 2022

Romans 8:14-17: The Spirit makes us children of God

Acts 2:1-21: Filled with the Spirit to proclaim God’s deeds

John 14:8-17 [25-27] The Father will give you another Advocate, the Spirit of truth

Sisters and brothers in Christ, Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Pentecost Sunday (June 5/22) commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other disciples following the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2). And it marks the beginning of the Christian church's mission to the world.

God’s call to advocacy — to plead another’s cause — is spread across the pages of the Bible, and we see powerful stories of Biblical characters who put that call into action. In both the Old and New Testaments, God calls on advocates to speak boldly, whether or not they believe they’re qualified. Each of the six advocates below combines their faith in God with a unique advocacy strategy, and God uses them all powerfully to bring about justice.

Here are 6 examples of advocates in the Bible. Check out their stories and consider their strategies of advocacy:

1. Queen Esther (Esther 1-10):

2. Moses (Exodus)

3. Nehemiah

4. Paul (Philemon):

5. Nathan the Prophet (2 Samuel 12)

6. The Persistent Widow (Luke 18)

Some of these hero's asked to be advocates (Nehemiah), some need some persuasion (Moses), many are fearful (Esther faces death to go before the King, uninvited, in order to save her people). These men and women are examples to us all of hearing and following God's direction with all their foibles. God isn't asking for hero’s who are perfect – God is asking you and I because we may be the perfect hero for a certain time and situation.

Have you been an advocate? Have you felt the Spirit leading you to make a difference? Do you have the experience of others being an advocate on your behalf? The Spirit of God is busy in all our lives. Making a difference for others is an amazing gift to participate in.

We are all called to work for justice (Micah 6:8) but God uses each of our unique positions and gifts to be effective in diverse situations. Whether we’re called to speak truth to power, stand up for the weak, or ask someone to do the right thing, God is with us when we cry out for justice.

“And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?” — Luke 18:7

May God bless you and your loved ones. May the season of visiting bring loved ones to us and allow us to be near our own loved ones.

May God bless Redeemer Lutheran Church, the 2022 council, Pastor Laurel and the ministries we are called to.


Finance Report: May 2022

May the sunlight and the rain be reminders that You are at work renewing the earth. As a God of renewal, You are ever at work in our lives, too. Open our eyes and lives to the needed changes in our lives this Spring. Awaken us to new life and perspective, for we pray in Jesus' name.

Redeemer Council met at Redeemer on May 18th.

Dorothy provided the financial reports for April.

Envelope Giving's and PAR in April totaled $8400.00

Total Income from all Sources for April $9370.59

Total Expenses in April $7940.80

Net Income for April $1429.79

Net Income for 2022 $971.14 Profit

Redeemer has resumed in-person church services. Council has approved wearing masks as optional and please social distance where possible. Please respect the choice of others. WELCOME BACK!!.

We will continue to live stream our church services on Zoom. Jeremy has done a fine job of setting up our new Audio-Visual equipment.

Council received the final bill for the new video equipment at $6599.30. Video Equipment Fund $4250.00. The balance owing $2349.30 was paid with Manitoba Grant monies we received last year and placed in a reserve fund.

Our thanks those who have given generously to this project. Jeremy Grasby will train those whom are interested in learning how to live stream a service.

Pancake Supper donations to the end March are $325.00. Our goal $1000.00.

Winter Shelter Project to the end of March $210.00. Our goal $1000.00.

The ‘Little Church’ will be found in the Narthex during church services.

In April, Council members attended an on-line session with Bishop Zinko. He reviewed Council member duties and meeting procedures. Two weeks later, Bishop Zinko met on-line with Chairpersons. He reviewed meeting procedures, setting up agendas for monthly meetings. We also discussed the Church Constitution and its importance to our church.

Redeemer Council has reviewed our Constitution and made the necessary changes to meet the Synods criterion. Our revised Constitution has been sent to the Synod for their approval. This revised Constitution will be presented at the next Annual General Meeting in early 2023.

Redeemer Council has purchased a fireproof waterproof safe for storing the Church membership records. Jerry Erickson has built a stand for the safe to be placed upon. Linden Lanes Parent Council gifted Redeemer $500.00 for the use of our parking lot every school day. Council paid for the safe with this gift and each councilor donated cash to cover the difference.

Jerry has also been doing the monthly fire inspections which are now mandatory.

On May 28th a group of our Redeemer men gathered to clean up the yard and lawn at Redeemer. The lawn and yard are looking wonderful. Council wishes to thank all those who helped with this labour intensive task.

During the past few weeks we have experienced a glitch with the voice mail at Redeemer. This gremlin has been dealt with and you can once again leave a voice message at the church. Pastor Laurel will check the messages during the week when she is in the office.

Thanks be to God, Alleluia!!

Property Finance Committee

Rick Norberg Marv Hollender Don Wrobleski Jerry Erickson


2022 Elected Executive

President: Rick Norberg

Vice-President: Heddy Mueller

Secretary: Kathy Maxon

Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor, Raynor Bookkeeping

Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar

Parish Life Committee: Arlene Pottinger, Heddy Mueller, Tyler Foster

Mission Committee: Sharolyn Molnar, Kathy Maxon, Jan Cuggy

Property & Finance Committee: Marv Hollender, Don Wrobleski, Jerry Erickson


Our Mailing Address:

Redeemer Lutheran Church

114 Ashgrove Boulevard

Brandon, MB R7B 1E1






114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB  Canada R7B 1E1


11:00 a.m. every Sunday

Anglican Service

1st & 3rd Sundays

Lutheran Service

2nd & 4th Sundays

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Our facility is completely barrier free.

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