*Pastor's Thoughts
*Financial Statement

Communion (Regular services): 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
1) Proof of Vaccination will not be requested; Masks will be mandatory.
i) Collection plate will be at the back of the church and will be brought forward for the offering.
ii) singing will be permitted
iii) Zoom participants will be muted.
2) Mar 27: Resume in house worship (Wearing masks)
3) Please let me know of anyone in hosp. or other health issues.
4) Prayer List: We lift up (especially Sonja, Roselie, Fern, Josie, Barb, Gladys, Pete & Ella, Renate, Alf & Annie, Colleen, Jan's dad Douglas, Lottie, Joyce, Kirsten, Ralph & Helen, Jean Brown, Heddy, Jon Parsons, Kathy Kirby (Arlene Pottingers daughter-in-law) & others lifted from my heart) Merciful God, receive our prayer.
5) A Reminder to all members who attend Zoom services. Please remember to send your Offering to Redeemer Lutheran by mail or drop off in the mailbox by the office door. Your financial gifts are appreciated.
Thanks Rick
Pastor's Newsletter - April 2022
Scripture: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
Sisters and brothers in Christ, Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our 2022 Lenten journey continues with Palm/Passion Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday waiting to be celebrated. The added bonus of this year is once again gathering in person (for those who are comfortable to do so). That is a high-light of the season.
As we continue to travel through the remaining days of Lent, to Holy Sunday and Week, through Good Friday to the celebration of Easter Sunday I pray that your Lenten journey has been one of strength, wisdom, joy and hope. And with our internal journey, we been able to care for others along the way? Family, neighbours, strangers, those who are near and those far away; how can we make a difference?
We especially lift up the people of Ukraine and Russia who are in crises and conflict. The ministries of the churches, the outreach of governments and the kindness of strangers have been literally life-saving for the refugees. Canadian Lutheran World relief and other agencies are working together to provide much needed articles (bedding, clothes, diapers, etc.), food and/or financial support to aid those already providing as their resources allow. May we all reach out as best we can to those in need.
The wonder of the Church is that it is global. Denominations are not identical but we are all children of God and share the Saviour who leads us to compassion for others, prayers for others, hope for the whole world and joy. Lift up God's children around Europe and the world who are the caregivers of the people of Ukraine in this time of need.
As you continue your Lenten journey may the wonder of the Lord God who is the light, joy, hope and patience of each step be with you. And May Easter blessed and joyful celebration of the "Risen Christ"!
Hallelujah! Soon we can shout, "Christ has Risen".
Finance Report: March 2022
Your hope arises with each dawn, pushing back the rubble of our lives. Each new day reminds us of your grace, you paint hope across our skies. Into the deafening cry of hopelessness you whisper love. Love that catches us, holds us. There is no end, just new beginnings. No finish, just new starts. Into your resurrection we follow you to bathe in hope. You are alive! Not only in the world but in us. And so we carry your hope within our souls. Help us to lift our eyes, and feel resurrection hope arise in our lives.
(a prayer of hope from www.lords-prayer-words.com)
Redeemer Council met at Redeemer in the basement on March 16th.
Dorothy provided the financial reports for February.
Envelope Giving's and PAR in February $4515.00
Total Income from all Sources $9321.01
Total Expenses in February $7956.06
Net Income for February $1414.45
Net Income for 2022 $1088.08 deficit
Video Equipment Fund $4150.00 to the end of February.
Council thanks those who have given generously to this project. Helptek informed us that our video equipment has arrived. The equipment is scheduled to be installed on April 2nd.
Pancake Supper donations to the end February is $70.00. Our goal $1000.00.
Winter Shelter Project to the end of February $70.00. Our goal $1000.00.
In God’s Service
Property Finance Committee
Rick Norberg, Marv Hollender, Don Wrobleski, Jerry Erickson
2022 Elected Executive
President: Rick Norberg
Vice-President: Heddy Mueller
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor, Raynor Bookkeeping
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Life Committee: Arlene Pottinger, Heddy Mueller, Tyler Foster
Mission Committee: Sharolyn Molnar, Kathy Maxon, Jan Cuggy
Property & Finance Committee: Marv Hollender, Don Wrobleski, Jerry Erickson
Our Mailing Address:
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1