*Pastor's Message
*Financial Statement
Communion (Regular services): 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
2) “Pastor Laurel will be on vacation from July 18 to Aug 06/2022. This includes 3 Sundays (July 24 & 31 & Aug 7).
i) These three Sundays will need lay leaders. Sermon will be provided and the order of service will be With One Voice – Service of the Word.
ii) Anyone interested in leading alone or sharing the leadership as a family or group, please contact Pastor Laurel. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this lay ministry.”
3) Proof of Vaccination will not be requested; Masks will be optional. Please respect every ones choice
i) Collection plate will be at the back of the church and will be brought forward for the offering.
ii) singing will be permitted
iii) Zoom participants will be muted.
4) Mar 27: Resume in house worship (Wearing masks)
5) Please let me know of anyone in hosp. or other health issues.
6) Prayer List:
we lift up (especially Roselie, Fern, Josie, Barb, Gladys, Pete & Ella, Renate, Alf & Annie, Colleen, Jan's dad Douglas, Lottie, Joyce, Kirsten, Ralph & Helen, Jean Brown, Heddy, Jon Parsons, Kathy Kirby (Arlene Pottingers daughter-in-law) & others lifted from my heart) Merciful God, receive our prayer.
7) A Reminder to all members who attend Zoom services. Please remember to send your Offering to Redeemer Lutheran by mail or drop off in the mailbox by the office door. Your financial gifts are appreciated. Thanks Rick
Pastor's Newsletter - July / August 2022
** Scripture: Isaiah 41: 8-10 (The Message)“But you, Israel, are my servant.
You’re Jacob, my first choice,
descendants of my good friend Abraham.
I pulled you in from all over the world,
called you in from every dark corner of the earth,
Telling you, ‘You’re my servant, serving on my side.
I’ve picked you. I haven’t dropped you.’
Don’t panic. I’m with you.
There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.
I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you.
I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
** Psalm 84: 11 (The Message) 10-12 One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship, beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.
I’d rather scrub floors in the house of my God than be honored as a guest in the palace of sin.
All sunshine and sovereign is God, generous in gifts and glory.
He doesn’t scrimp with his traveling companions.
It’s smooth sailing all the way with God-of-the-Angel-Armies.
** Quote from Hans Christian Anderson: "The whole world is a series of miracles...but we're so used to them we call them ordinary things."
Sisters and brothers in Christ, Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Summer is here! And being prairie people we express our thoughts of the season with "It's too hot!", "It's too wet.". "It's too dry.", and this year especially "There are too many mosquitos!"'. But summer is so short and flies by so fast, we take it all in stride and are blessed with the gifts of the season. [Flowers blooming, gardens producing, fruit ripening, the colours rich and brilliant just to mention a few.] We can hardly wait for our favourite things {vegetables, fruit, flowers, going to the lake/beach/pool). It is an exciting time.
But what is going on spiritually in this season of the church in our hearts? We now have the long and blessed season of Pentecost. What is the purpose of this season? This can be our season to blossom and grow. In this Season, we now enter into a time of immersing ourselves in the Gospels, the acts of Jesus, the acts of the early Church, the acts of the Church throughout history, and welcoming the Holy Spirit’s leadership in our lives. We run with God in the fields of Hope.
Each of us has a call of the Spirit. In this Season we may live, love, pray, laugh, encourage, imagine, heal; run like water to the lowest places. And in so doing the Spirit of Jesus will empower us to do all that we need to do to bring our gifts, our calling in this world back to its Maker.
Enjoy this season of both the church and the world. Be blessed with the garden of friends and family that you blossom and grow in. Raise your face to the Son of God and have the Spirit of God heal you to be refreshed, renewed and inspired. Walk with the Lord in all things. And with Joy, let’s embrace the Pentecost season!
Respectfully submitted, Pastor Laurel
Vacation: July 18-Aug 7/22 – Goal is to spend time in Saskatchewan with family and friends. Please keep me in prayers for a safe and blessed time.
Finance Report: June 2022
Dear God, let your Spirit speak words of wisdom and guidance over my life today. You promised a Comforter who will be with me every step of the way to guide me and supply what I need. Be with me, Father. Help me speak the right words, make the right choices, and choose the right opportunities.
Redeemer Council met at Redeemer on June 15th.
Dorothy provided the financial reports for May.
Envelope Giving's and PAR in May totaled $5343.00
Total Income from all Sources for May $6558.00
Total Expenses in May $14893.00
Net Income for May $8335.00 deficit
Net Income for 2022to the end of May $7363.86 deficit
Redeemer has resumed in-person church services and provides a live stream on Zoom EVERY SUNDAY. Council has approved wearing masks as optional and please social distance where possible. Please respect the choice of others. WELCOME BACK!!.
Pancake Supper donations to the end of May are $375.00. Our goal $1000.00.
Winter Shelter Project to the end of May $260.00. Our goal $1000.00.
The ‘Little Church’ will be found in the Narthex during church services.
Jeremy Grasby will train those whom are interested in learning how to live stream a service.
Redeemer Council has reviewed our Constitution and made the necessary changes to meet the Synods criterion. Our revised Constitution has been sent to the Synod for their approval. This revised Constitution will be presented at the next Annual General Meeting in early 2023.
On May 28th a group of our Redeemer men gathered to clean up the yard and lawn at Redeemer. The lawn and yard are looking wonderful. Council wishes to thank all those who helped with this labour intensive task.
During the past few weeks we have experienced a glitch with the voice mail at Redeemer. This gremlin has been dealt with and you can once again leave a voice message at the church. Pastor Laurel will check the messages during the week when she is in the office.
Come Holy Spirit!!!
Property Finance Committee
Rick Norberg Marv Hollender Don Wrobleski Jerry Erickson
2022 Elected Executive
President: Rick Norberg
Vice-President: Heddy Mueller
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor, Raynor Bookkeeping
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Life Committee: Arlene Pottinger, Heddy Mueller, Tyler Foster
Mission Committee: Sharolyn Molnar, Kathy Maxon, Jan Cuggy
Property & Finance Committee: Marv Hollender, Don Wrobleski, Jerry Erickson
Our Mailing Address:
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1