*AGM February 21, 2021
*Samaritan House
*Pastor's Thoughts
*Property and Finance Report
*Financial Statement

The AGM is moved to February 21 2021. AGM reports will be due to Evelyn by February 7th for distribution to the congregation on February 14th.
Samaritan House, At our council meeting, we did talk about it and decided that people would or could do their own deliveries to Samaritan house and mention that this is on behalf of Redeemer. Donations may be dropped off Monday to Friday 11 -1 pm, 3 -4 pm
Pastor's Thoughts January 2021 - Redeemer Lutheran Church, Brandon One wonders how many millions of speeches/articles/sermons/newsletters have been devoted to the 2020 pandemic at year’s end. Countless opinions and diverse perspectives have left our heads, hearts and spirits spinning as we seek to navigate through this unchartered territory. And we now begin a New Year that continues in the new "normal". We, as Lutherans along with other Christian denominations, are blessed with two new years. Both encourage a review of the previous year's challenges and achievements. Both look forward. Both see the idea of a new year as a ritual of milestones in our lives. Those milestones are our remembering guides. Remembering guides, as my friend's mom, “Mary” calls them, help us keep track of life. Mary has 9 children, at least 18 grandchildren, countless great- and great-great-grandchildren. She estimates to have attended at least one Christmas concert per year for the past 60 years. Her memories are built on the activities of life. For example, "I had the car accident on that icy road in....? Oh, yes! That was the year Wendy broke her arm. She was 5 so it must have been 1968." As Christians, the seasons of the Church year are our remembering guides. The Church new year is the 1st Sunday of Advent. That season is filled with hope and is followed by the wonder of celebrating peace, joy and love; gifts from God's grace. In the darkest of creations northern season, light shines bright...we are not lost. The Word of God and the seasons of the church celebrated each year guides and build our faith. This New Year, 2021, is no different than any other beginning. Humanity moves forward with unlimited possibilities, with fears, with wonder and joy...but the Calendar of the church is our strong foundation for remembering guidance. Advent (anticipating Christ's coming and return), Christmas (celebrating the birth and circumstances of God's fulfillment of the promise of salvation), Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, etc. The Word of God opens the wonder of God's love. grace and salvation again and again. We meet up with old friends and mentors as the characters of God's stories teach us promises, covenants, brokenness and restoration. In these stories we meet ourselves, find hope for our brokenness and celebrate the restorative action in our lives by our beloved LORD. There will continue to be challenges in the months ahead. We have been blessed with the technology of ZOOM along with the positive experience of live ZOOM these past few services. Creative ideas, hopeful grace and love will be our guides for the continuing year. 2020 will not be a year that will be forgotten. But the remembering-guidance of the WORD of God is the light that shines in the world, in our spirits and in our mission as Redeemer Lutheran Church. May God be with you through the whole of 2021 and fill your life with COMFORT, LOVE and CHEER. May God's light guide your way. And, may Jan 01 and the days ahead, hold many BLESSINGS for you and yours. "Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice" Phil. 4:4
In Christ, Pastor Laurel
Finance Report December 2020
Redeemer Council met on December 16th. Dorothy provided the financial reports for November 2020.
Our Giving for November was $7338.14. The total Giving for 2020 to the end of November is $67889.24. Leaving us under budget by $4740.76. The total income for 2020 from all sources is $98880.75. This figure includes the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) in the amount of $9974.74. Leaving us under budget by $5004.99 year-to-date.
On the Expense side, November showed $9178.97 total expenses which is $394.52 over budget. Our year-to-date total expense is $94953.71 which is $6197.89 under budget. This leaves us with a surplus on the year-to-date of $3927.04.
The Best is Yet to Come.
Thanks be to God
Property Finance Committee
Rick Norbeeg Marv Hollender Don Wrobleski