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September 2020 Newsletter

Pastors Thoughts

Council Report

Property & Finance Report

Financial Statement

Pastor's Newsletter - August 28, 2020

Part 1:

This past Thursday I was honoured to preside at Walter Tezlaff's graveside service. This was my first since COVID-19. The ritual of mourning has changed drastically since the pandemic has become part of the fabric of life. After careful preparation, and thinking that I had factored in all the necessary parts of this service, the reality of the experience revealed how much I still needed to learn and adapt to this new way of liturgy/worship/ritual. No longer is there a building, an altar, live music, singing, and people. No longer are there body's close together for comfort and hugs for sharing compassion.

However, in the midst of all the "no longer" parts of the service there remains the solid foundation of the WORD of God. The Holy Scriptures continue to reveal to us the promises, love, mercy and comfort God gifts to us every day of our lives. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." still speaks of the core of the Gospel. And throughout the liturgy, God's message of hope and salvation along with the grace of forgiveness of sins, the truth of the resurrection and the promise of eternal life for all believers rings out.

This experience has challenged me to continue to adjust and refine a memorial service order that honours the deceased, comforts the bereaved and, most importantly, leaves all with the knowledge that we do not walk alone in our grief.

Part 2:

I don't know about you, but I am weary of the news: COVID numbers are up, Hurricane Laura is raging, leaving devastation in its wake and challenging those providing aide due to COVID-19 as well as postponing yet again our plans to begin worshiping in community. Overwhelmed, I began looking for prayers written by others who much more gifted than I. And I wish to share this one with you. I encourage you to add your own petitions and concerns.

A Prayer During Times of COVID-19

Let us pray:

In this time of COVID-19, we pray:

When we aren't sure, God,

help us be calm;

when information comes

from all sides, correct and not,

help us to discern;

when fear makes it hard to breathe,

and anxiety seems to be the order of the day,

slow us down, God;

help us to reach out with our hearts,

when we can't touch with our hands;

help us to be socially connected,

when we have to be socially distant;

help us to love as perfectly as we can,

knowing that "perfect love casts out all fear."

For the doctors, we pray,

for the nurses, we pray,

for the technicians and the janitors and the

aides and the caregivers, we pray,

for the researchers and theorists,

the epidemiologists and investigators,

for those who are sick,

and those who are grieving, we pray,

for all who are affected,

all around the world.

we pray

for safety,

for health,

for wholeness.

May we feed the hungry,

give drink to the thirsty,

clothe the naked and house those without homes;

may we walk with those who feel they are alone,

and may we do all that we can to heal

the sick—

in spite of the epidemic,

in spite of the fear.

Help us, O God,

that we might help each other.

In the love of the Creator,

in the name of the Healer,

in the life of the Holy Spirit that is in all and with all,

we pray.

May it be so.

—A prayer during times of COVID-19 by the Right Rev. Richard Bott, .

[God bless and stay safe. - Respectfully submitted by Pastor Laurel


Finance Report: July 2020

Redeemer Council met on-line on Wednesday night August 19th.

The financial report provided by Dorothy was like a breath of fresh air. The COVID-19 lockdown has been a long drawn affair. Council has been concerned whether we, as a congregation, would still be able to meet our budget requirements. As it turns out, Council is pleased to report that we are on track with the budget and the good news keeps coming.

In the month of July, Total Giving was $8637.20. Surpassing the budgeted amount by $2767.20. The Total Income for the month of July was $10053.18.

With the COVID-19 restrictions in place our monthly expenses are down. The Total Expenses for the month of July were $8506.71.

Our Net Income for July shows a profit of $1546.47.

Redeemer’s YTD Total Income from all sources is $55692.00.

YTD Total Expense is $60905.98. Our YTD Net Income is minus $5213.98. This is $1983.33 ahead of the budget.

Council was advised that CEWS (Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy) will be sending money to subsidize Pastor's salary during the pandemic.

One item we discussed at Council was the Fall Supper. With COVID restrictions in place there will NOT be a Fall Supper served this year. This in turn creates a need for our congregation to ante up to meet the budget. Our budget called for raising $3000.00 from the Fall Supper. With this year being as bizarre as it is, Council would like everyone to donate money to the Fall Supper instead of time talent and food. Our Fall Supper was the largest fundraiser for our congregation in years past. We pray that you will provide the funds we need in addition to your regular offering.

Finance Committee

Rick Norberg Marv Hollender and Don Wrobleski



2020 Elected Executive:

Chair: Heddy Mueller

Vice-Chair: Rick Norberg

Secretary: Kathy Maxon

Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar

Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor

Financial Committee: Rick Norberg, Don Wrobleski, Marvin Hollender

Mission Committee: Kathy Maxon, Jan Cuggy, Sharolyn Molnar

Parish Committee: Shelley Kretchman, Jerry Erickson, Tyler Foster



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