*From Pastor's Thoughts
*Council Report
*Finance Report
*Treasurers Report
*Redeemer Lutheran Ladies
Pastors Thoughts - September 2019
FALL: It is the season of beginnings and endings. Gardens are producing their final produce. Flowers will be losing their blooms except for the beautiful fields of sunflowers. Fields of grains and other crops are being harvested. Summer holidays are fading into September and the regular rhythm of life to begin.
This summer, within our community of faith, members have been blessed with visits of family and friends, travel and family events (including reunions, weddings, and babies). For many this doesn't stop but for others the coming of fall changes our directions. We are excited to be looking at the beginning of Sunday School and the baptism of Savanna Grasby (Jeremy & Stephanie Grasby) on September 29. Perhaps even a new member via transfer of membership. Lots to look forward to.
This summer I was blessed to attend the ELCIC National Convention in Regina. There was a lot to learn and consider (i.e. LGBTQ2, assisted dying, climate change, and serving the church). Many inspiring speakers and preachers (i.e. the President of Lutheran World Federation of Geneva, Switzerland; the Presiding Bishop (Bishop Elizabeth Eaton) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America; two professors on climate change; President of LTS, Dr. William Harrison, outlining the big changes coming next year) just to name a few. Our days began and ended with worship, we celebrated Eucharistic together; new friends were made and acquaintances renewed. I personally was blessed with meeting many clergy who were fellow students from our Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) days as well as friends from Saskatchewan. Thank the Lord for an amazing three days of stress, laughter, prayers, blessing, grace which are woven together as we addressed the administrative work of the church. (I encourage you to check out the ELCIC website for the videos of various speakers at the convention.)
ELCIC national church initiative being introduced: On September 1, 2019 we begin the four-emphasis of "Living our Faith", as we together with the whole church we focus on pray, read, worship and love. Resources and materials will become available as we progress through the year. (Sept 1, 2019-2020 [Prayer], 2020-2021 [Read], 2021-2022 [Worship], 2022-2023 [Love]).
One of the points Bishop Jason addressed at this years clergy retreat was for congregations to update their constitutions. A model-constitution is provided by the National church for reference. This is one project of 2019-2020.
May God continue to bless the work and ministry of the members of Redeemer as each of you share your many gifts and talents. please continue to lift myself and the works of the church in your prayers.
In Christ, Pastor Laurel Seyfert
2019 Elected Executive:
Chair: Heddy Mueller
Vice Chair: Rick Norberg
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor
Financial Committee: Rick Norberg, Wally Tetzlaff, Ed Podjan
Mission Committee: Kathy Maxon, Arlene Pottinger, Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Committee: Shelley Kretchman, Jerry Erickson, Don Wrobleski
Fall Supper is scheduled for September 27th
Convener(s) are needed
Please advise a council member if you can assist.
Finance Report: August 2019
The summer of 2019 is nearing the end. Soon it will be back to school and back to church.
Council met on August 21st. Dorothy was not able to attend the meeting to I led council through the financial reports. There were no big surprises in the report. Overall, it was good news as we did quite well over the summer.
We paid for the piano refurbishment, church insurance and taxes. At the end of July, Envelops Giving is ahead by $2974.53
Our Year-to-date income is ahead of budget by $7664.39
All is well.
On the expense side, spending is over budget by $4119.43. This leaves us with a Year-to-date surplus in Net income of $3544.96. This is also good. Thanks be to God.
Thanks to everyone for being strong in Financial Stewardship over the summer. Council hopes we can see this year through on the plus side of the budget.
The PAR giving through Faith Life Financial is now finished as of August 10th. Council and Dorothy are working on setting up PAR giving with EFT Canada. This is a work in progress. Nothing is finalized. Once we receive word from EFT Canada, Sharolyn Molnar will make contact with those on PAR to have paperwork signed and remitted to EFT Canada. Please be patient.
Property/Finance Committee
Rick Norberg, Wally Tetzlaff & Ed Podjan
A Weekly offering of $1510.00 is needed to meet the 2019 budget of $78,500
June & July Financial Statements respectfully submitted by Dorothy Raynor
Samaritan House Winter Shelter
Toiletries for Men & Women:
Shampoo (Travel Size)
Toothbrushes(Soft bristles)
Feminine hygiene products
Cold Weather Wear for Men & Women:
Women's Underwear (Sizes M & L)
Men's Underwear ( Sizes L & XL)
Socks (Good Quality)
Granola Bars
Bottled Water
Kraft Dinner (Individual Serving)
Soups/Meals (with Pop-off Tops)
Redeemer Lutheran Ladies
September Meeting: September 9 1:30 p.m. at the Church
Bible Study: September 17 1:30 p.m. at the Church
Ladies Breakfast: September 21 9:30 a.m. at Chicken Chef
Members wishing to donate items to the Church are asked to speak to a Council Member prior to bringing the item(s)
Debt-reduction fundraising Ideas can be put in the suggestion box in the Narthex
*Our Mailing Address:
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Blvd
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1