*Council Report
*Pastors Thoughts
*Property & Finance Report
*Financial Statement

Message from Council Chair,
At our special council meeting this evening, we as a council decided based on the information we received from the MNO Synod, that we will continue to keep the Church closed for at least another month and revisit it at the end of June.
We will continue with the Zoom Sunday Worship services and that way we will still be able to stay connected during this time. There will also still be deliveries of the services to congregation members who do not participate in the online services.
Please keep us all in your daily prayers and we hope to be all reunited soon!
God bless,
Pastor's Thoughts - June 2020
Acts 2:1-21 (Filled with the Spirit to tell God’s deeds)
Acts 2: 22b "he (Jesus) breathed on them (disciples) and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit."
You and I have experienced the power of the wind. Living on the Saskatchewan and Manitoba prairies, it is hard not to. There are many names of the wind to describe its speed and power (ie. plow winds-which are straight-line winds and tornadoes which rotate vs little dust devils that swirl across fields) or just plain powerful winds that rip off singles, move heavy items and make your vehicle rock side to side. We can't see it but we certainly have felt and seen its power.
There is a wind that blows through our lives. Writers speak of the winds of war, winds of change, the winds of hope, etc. Sometimes life can feel as soft and warm as a tropical breeze and other times like a hurricane. The Pandemic is the wind of our times. It has knocked us off our normal paths of life and has shaken us up. It has left us breathless and disoriented. And disconnected not only with our loved ones but with the whole world.
The Pentecost story of John shows us the disciples caught in the hurricane winds of Jesus' life and death, then his resurrection. They are lost and disoriented. Fearful and grieving. Then Jesus appears into that space with them. He comes to them in love and grace. His promise of one who will be with them always is fulfilled by the wonder of the Holy Spirit's power surrounding them, flowing through them and granting God's peace.
In the midst of the hurricane of this Pandemic, the Church is like the disciples. The Church is also experiencing grief, suffering and fear in this critical period of history. Yet our hope is found in the Holy Spirit that was present at Creation (Genesis 1: 1-2) and present with those gathered in that room and is now with the Church each day now and forever. The Holy Spirit is blowing in and through theology, ministries, outreaches and individual spiritual lives as we all seek to in the continued proclamation of Christ to the world. We no longer have the choice to do things as "we have always done them or know them". But these are exciting times. Uncomfortable times but exciting. We continue to make decisions in the trust that we are always in the Holy Spirit's presence, peace and hope.
Life is moving fast. Redeemer Council, myself, MNO Synod and the ELCIC are trying to make thoughtful, theologically based decisions for the continued proclamation of Christ as well as for the safety and care of the members of Redeemer’s faith community. There is no “cookie-cutter, one way” of doing worship that fits all circumstances. Guided by our Bishops (who are also in an unchartered territory) and our government's best information, we seek to continue being faithful in our ministry which is very different from how we have always “done” worship and church.
But no one is alone in their search for wisdom and direction at any time. The promised Holy Spirit is flowing in and through God's people, guiding us and leading us within the power of the wind of change. And the wind comes together with the Spirit of Peace from Christ, the peace that surpasses anything humanity can create. So, take a deep breath not just of your body but in your soul. Feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your mind and spirit. Feel the peace of Christ in all we encounter in our lives.
Continue to carry Redeemer Council, Pastor Laurel, our Bishops and ELCIC in your prayers as we travel this new journey of "Church" together.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us in and through decisions and changes.
The peace of Christ be with you all. Pastor
2020 Elected Executive:
Chair: Heddy Mueller
Vice-Chair: Rick Norberg
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor
Financial Committee: Rick Norberg, Don Wrobleski, Marvin Hollender
Mission Committee: Kathy Maxon, Jan Cuggy, Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Committee: Shelley Kretchman, Jerry Erickson, Tyler Foster
Report Finance May 2020
Those who thank God even in trials, turn burden into blessings. So keep your faith close to your heart and God will provide.
As we head into our third month of self-distancing and self-isolation, we find that we miss gathering at our church to hear God’s Word. We look forward to the lifting of restrictions to be able to gather once again in our church. Our on-line services have been well attended. Thank you to Jeremy for setting up the services on Zoom for us.
Council would like to remind you, that as we cannot pass the offering plate during our service, you can drop off your offering at the church mailbox or mail it to Redeemer Lutheran 114 Ashgrove Blvd Brandon R7B 1E1. Rick Norberg checks the mailbox daily at 1 P.M. and deposits the gifts collected for the week every Friday. Thank you to those who have been giving faithfully during this changed and trying time.
Financially for the month of April, Redeemer did fairly well. Giving stayed strong at $6995.00 and total income was $8325.94. Our Expenses were down from prior months due to the COVID-19 crisis at $7408.38. This gave us a Net Income of $917.56.
Council is happy to report that we have received a gift of $500.00 from Brandon 18 Scouts. They are proud to have been able to gather for their meetings for over 50 years in our church basement. Thank you to all the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers and their leaders for being a welcome part of our Christian family.
More good news, Dorothy Raynor has applied for and received the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy for Redeemer Lutheran Church. This will help Redeemer by offsetting the wages paid to Pastor Laurel during the COVID-19 crisis as our Envelope Givings have dropped off. The Wage Assistance will help us stay on track with the budget.
In May 2020, Redeemer will have a 55th Anniversary. Our restricted lifestyle will prevent us from having a celebration until a later date in the year.
Chris is Risen, Alleluia
Finance Committee
Rick Norberg Marv Hollender and Don Wrobleski
Respectfully submitted by Dorothy Raynor
*Our Mailing Address:
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1