*From Pastor's Thoughts
*Council Report
*Finance Report
*Treasurers Report
*Redeemer Lutheran Ladies
Pastor's Thoughts - January 2020
New Year's Bible Verse - Each New Day Is Special: "The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! By his mercies, we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness, his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" Lamentations 3:22-24
The beginning of a year, and especially a new decade, encourages us to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. In the midst of this back and forth, we can forget to focus on the present - today! Do you walk in the wonder of the unfailing love the Lord? Do you trust God's faithfulness and mercy at every moment?
I don't know how many of you have decided on a resolution for 2020. There are the regular hopes of 1. better health, 2. financial stability 3. keep in better touch with friends/family near and far and 4. countless other options that you believe will make your life more fulfilled. [Let's talk in June and see how successful we have been in maintaining our resolutions. (Or, as my friend says if we even remember them!)] These worldly resolutions are important. However, a spiritual resolution is also important. They are life-supporting and challenging. A spiritual resolution makes "Each New Day Special!" What greater resolution can we live out than the message of hope, joy, love and peace of Christ. God sent God's own Son, Emmanuel (God with us), into the world to be the fulfillment of promises made by the Lord long ago.
This joy and wonder of the fulfillment of God's promises of forgiveness, salvation and eternal life is not just for the season of Christmas. Our hearts, filled with love and kindness, is not just for a few weeks a year. They are for each and every day. Do you respond with a roll of your eyes or a snort of disbelief? How can we ever possibly achieve or maintain such an ideal? We have to be perfect! Yet, the Christmas story reveals to us two individuals who are regular people. Both are righteous, being in right relationship with God and to others.
Mary and Joseph are part of God's greater plan. We have met others God's word, before these two who were also part of the greater plan. Perfect people? No. But God uses them in a particular place and a particular time to bring about a fulfillment of God's plan. So as you and I live our spiritual resolution each day of the year with the guidance of the Word of God, the joy, love and mercy of Christ, and in the humility of prayer (and listening with open hearts and minds to the Spirit's response) each day we can live in wonder of a life in Christ. We can live in our particular place and time for God to use us to bring the message of Christ and hope to whomever we encounter.
Life in the moment, in the present, is fulfilling and joyous. In Christ, we can rejoice each and every day and trust in God's faithfulness and God's mercy which "is fresh each new day".
May your 2020 be a year filled with God's Word, love, hope, grace and peace.
Happy and blessed 2020 to you all, In Christ, Pastor Laurel
2019 Elected Executive:
Chair: Heddy Mueller
Vice-Chair: Rick Norberg
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor
Financial Committee: Rick Norberg, Wally Tetzlaff, Ed Podjan
Mission Committee: Kathy Maxon, Arlene Pottinger, Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Committee: Shelley Kretchman, Jerry Ewasiuk, Don Wrobleski
Annual General Meeting - Sunday, January 26, 2020
Report Deadline - January 12
Three new members are needed for the 2020 Council
THIS STUDY HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL JANUARY *You are invited to journey with us as we study the National Church Council The Call to Faithfully Journey with those who are Dying: An ELCIC Resolution over a period of a few weeks. This and other items can be found at the elcic.ca/Decisions At The End Of Life Task Force If you do not have internet access, please let Pastor know and she can print off a copy for you.
*If Pastor Laurel’s office doors are locked, please check to see if the “In a Meeting sign is posted on the door. If it is posted, please respect it and return at another time.
*EVERYONE must take care regarding locking of doors. Both outside doors have been found unlocked and well as the doors for the church offices. (Also, to switching off the handicap button on the front door.) (Also, turning off lights on both levels of the building.)
Finance Report will appear in the AGM Report
A weekly offering of $1510.00 is needed to mee the 2019 budget of $78,500
Samaritan House Winter Shelter
Toiletries for Men & Women:
Shampoo (Travel Size)
Toothbrushes(soft bristles)
Feminine hygiene products
Cold Weather Wear for Men & Women:
Women's Underwear (Sizes M & L)
Men's Underwear ( Sizes L & XL)
Socks (Good Quality)
Granola Bars
Bottled Water
Kraft Dinner (Individual Serving)
Soups/Meals (with Pop-off Tops)
The Luther Village Camp Annual Brochure for 2020
is now available to help create your family, child, grandchild, or individual camping plans for the 2020 summer. Please pick one up and see what's happening during our 56th year of outdoor ministry! We hope to see you at LV in 2020!
MNO Synod has begun its planning regarding the 2020 CLAY Youth gathering. They have asked if Redeemer will host a lunch for 110-150 youth and leaders on Monday, August 24. Council discussed this and realized that we will need many. You are welcome to be part of the conversation regarding this matter
Redeemer Lutheran Ladies
RLL Meeting Monday, January 13.
We will be touring the Samaritan House at 2:30.
We have a planning meeting scheduled to decide how we will get everyone there (possibly carpool from the church) and where we will have coffee following the tour.
Bible Study Tuesday, January 21, 1:30 p.m.
Members wishing to donate items to the Church are asked to speak to a Council Member prior to bringing the item(s).
Debt-reduction fundraising ideas can be put in the Suggestion Box in the Narthex.
*Our Mailing Address
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1