*From Pastor's Thoughts
*Council Report
*Finance Report
*Treasurers Report
*Redeemer Lutheran Ladies

Pastor's Thoughts - February 2020
The date of February 14 is/was known, at one time, as St. Hugs Day. However, it became more commonly known on the Anglican community as the Feast of St. Valentine. Historically, St. Valentine was a priest near Rome on about the year 270 A.D. It was during this time that there was a war on Christianity. Those who were practicing Christianity were imprisoned and were normally executed, as this was the case with St. Valentine.
During his life, he ministered to help the Christians to escape this persecution, and to provide them with the sacraments, such as marriage, which was outlawed by the Roman Empire at that time. The story of St. Valentine says that the would "remind them [Christians] of God's love and to encourage them to remain faithful Christians," Saint Valentine is said to have cut the hearts from parchment, giving them to the soldiers and persecuted Christians, a possible origin of the widespread use of hearts on Saint Valentine's Day.
In today's world, we see it more as a day of buying cards, candies and presents. But to remind all of us the origins of this martyr, who died for his faith to God, the following are 15 Bible verses to help us mark this day, which has its origins in Christianity, rather than a card company and flowers.
15 Scriptures to read and meditate on for Valentine's Day: 1John 4:19, Genesis 29:20, Colossians 3:14, 1Corinthians 13:1-13, Proverbs 30: 18-19, Song of Solomon 2: 16 and 4:10, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a, 1 Corinthians 13: 13, Ephesians 5: 25, Ephesians 5:33, 1 John 3: 18, Romans 5:5, 1 John 4: 7-12, and Galatians 5: 22-23.
We are called to love one another and to love our enemies and to love ourselves. Not in the human understanding of love, but through the love of God in our lives. EASY? No. Some days it feels impossible to love: to love yourself, to love others or even to love God. Yet we are called to love. "Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him... We love because God first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen." 1John 4:19 NIV
Do you remember in elementary school when you would make Valentine's Day cards for your classmates? In my class, a couple of children didn't get a single card. The next year the Teacher said we must make one for everyone in the class. Though Valentine's Day cards, flowers and treats are thoughtful, we daily live in the challenge of remembering God's love for us and in turn loving others. Can we live in a lifetime of little Valentine's of love for the world each day?
I pray that you receive a Valentine in many forms this month. May God's word reminds you each day of God's love for you. and may you never fear sharing that love with others, friend or foe. We can rest assured that there is an abundance of God's love to go around. God's happy heart will never become empty of love for God's creation. And praise God for the ultimate gift of God's love to all: Jesus Christ who came to live with us died for us on the cross and rose from the dead for our Salvation
Happy Valentine's Day in God's love,
In regards, Pastor Laurel
2019 Elected Executive:
Chair: Heddy Mueller
Vice-Chair: Rick Norberg
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor
Financial Committee: Rick Norberg, Wally Tetzlaff, Ed Podjan
Mission Committee: Kathy Maxon, Arlene Pottinger, Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Committee: Shelley Kretchman, Jerry Erickson, Don Wrobleski
*You are invited to journey with us as we study the National Church Council, The Call to Faithfully Journey with those who are dying: An ELCIC Resolution over a period of a few weeks.
This and other items can be found at http://www.elcic.ca/Decisions-at-the-end-of-life/ Task Force. If you do not have internet access, please let Pastor know and she can print off a copy for you.
*If Pastors Laurel's office doors are locked, please check to see if the "In a Meeting" sign is posted on the door. If it is posted, please respect it and return at a later time.
*Everyone must take care regarding locking of doors. Both outside doors have been found unlocked and as well as the doors for the church offices. (Also, to switching off the handicap button on the front door.) (Also, turning off lights on both levels of the building.)
Finance Report: January 2020
Welcome to 2020. Our congregation held the AGM Sunday, January 26. Our new budget for the Year 2020 was approved. We will be looking at another deficit year, unless, we pull together as a congregation and make the deficit disappear through fundraising events throughout the year. The projected deficit is at $5446.65
At the Annual General Meeting, we welcomed three new members to Redeemer Council. Jan Cuggy, Tyler Foster and Marv Hollender will be installed on the Church Council. Our thanks to Arlene Pottinger, Wally Tetzlaff and Ed Podjan for their three years of service on Council.
Shrove Tuesday is February 25th. We will hold our Annual Pancake Supper at Redeemer from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Free Will Offering. Council has started to do the planning for the supper. Please sign up for duty on the easel in the Narthex. Many hands make work light. We will be inviting the Redeemer Beaver pack to help again this year.
Redeemer will be 55 years old this year. How should we celebrate our Christian journey?
Rick Norberg, Finance Committee

A weekly offering of $1558 is needed to meet the 2020 budget of $81,500
Respectfully submitted by Dorothy Raynor
Samaritan House Winter Shelter
Toiletries for Men & Women:
Shampoo (Travel Size)
Toothbrushes(soft bristles)
Feminine hygiene products
Cold Weather Wear for Men & Women:
Women's Underwear (Sizes M & L)
Men's Underwear ( Sizes L & XL)
Socks (Good Quality)
Granola Bars
Bottled Water
Kraft Dinner (Individual Serving)
Soups/Meals (with Pop-off Tops)
Redeemer Lutheran Ladies
*Ladies Meeting: February 10, 1:30 p.m. at the church. The guest speaker is Marilyn Hoffman who will speak to us about her involvement as a volunteer for the Heart and Stroke organization. She will explain Aphasia, one of the possible results of a stroke.
*Quilting: Monday, February 3, 10 a.m. bring a lunch, scissors and needles
*Bible Study: Tuesday, February 18, 1:30 p.m.
Coming Events
*Shrove Tuesday: February 25th, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sign up board is in the Narthex.
*Ash Wednesday: February 26th, 2 p.m.
*World Day of Prayer: Friday, March 6th, 7 p.m. at St. Andres Presbyterian Church, Russel Street & Lousie Avenue
*PAR: the first withdrawal will be January 20th. Forms are available for those that want to start PAR
*Redeemer Lutheran Church is again registered as a team for the Coldest Night of the Year 2020. The walk is on February 22nd and all donations raised stay here in Brandon. Donations can be made online at www.cnoy.org Kathy Maxon is also collecting donations for the Team (but will be away from January 23 to February 13). Thank you for supporting this walk to end homelessness in our community.
Members wishing to donate items to the Church are asked to speak to a Council member prior to bringing the item(s)
Debt-reduction fundraising ideas can be put in the Suggestion Box in the Narthex.
*Our Mailing Address:
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1