Formal Statements of Belief
Within the Lutheran/Anglican church, there are two formal statements of belief. They are referred to as creeds and were developed by the early church to explain just how, exactly, we think about God. You will often hear one of these being recited by the congregation during worship.
We read the bible looking for how God inspired and acted in the lives of God’s people. Through those stories and examples, we look for how God continues to act in our lives. And because of the gift of grace that God gives us, we act in the world to show that same love, grace, and forgiveness to the people that we see every day.
We are all incomplete and broken people on some level. We call that sin. It’s our thoughts, words, and actions that separate us from God and from each other. We hope and trust that God is working right now to bring us back together – to restore us in relationships that are based on respect, justice, and mercy. We gather as the church so that we can be reminded of how God is at work in the world, grow in our own faith, and celebrate again the grace that God gives us.
Because of our belief that we are not somehow ‘holier’ than anyone else, all people are welcome here. Skin colour, ethnic background, level of income, amount of education, sexual orientation, and any other label doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you are created in the image of God and you are one of God’s children.