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What to expect

What should I expect if I come to worship?

At Redeemer Lutheran/ St George's Anglican you can expect a fairly easy-going congregation. But you will also notice that we are a more traditional congregation   Our pastor wears robes when leading the service. There are things that we read together as a congregation during our worship service. We have a few readings from different parts of the Bible, and our pastor preaches a sermon based on those readings. We sing traditional hymns. You . We will mostly have piano & violin leading the music.


We follow an order of service from one of our hymnals, but we also have a projection screen so that you don’t have to look in a book during the whole service. We celebrate Holy Communion on two Sundays each month. This is one of two sacraments in the Lutheran Church. But you don’t have to be a member of the church, or even Lutheran, to join us for Communion. Anyone who is baptized is welcome to join us.

While we are 'traditional,' we are not very formal

Some people wear a suit, while others wear shorts and a t-shirt and bring their travel mug with them. You are free to come as you are.
Our worship service normally runs for about an hour, but you should plan on coming 15 or 20 minutes early so that you can join us for a coffee before the service. It’s nothing fancy, but you will get a chance to meet some of the people from our congregation.


If your kids cry or make noise during the worship service… well, that’s what kids do. We do have crayons, books, and some toys to keep them busy. Just ask one of our greeters, and they will be glad to get some for you.


There are a number of groups not affiliated with the congregation that uses our space to meet during the week. We have   St. Mina and St. Antony Coptic Orthodox Church who worship here, the Brandon 18th Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts and Girl Guides that meet several times a week.

What's the difference between Lutheran and any other Church?

This is a bit of a harder question. The short answer is, not much. We believe in the same things all Christian churches do – God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, prayer, etc. The difference in the Lutheran church is what we emphasize.


More than anything, we believe and rely on God’s grace. Some churches believe that God can’t love you or give you life unless you live up to a very strict code of conduct. And while we do try to live a certain kind of life, we believe that we are unable to live that life without God leading us, giving us strength, and forgiving us when we fall short.


You can read more about our national church body, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, by clicking here.

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