*Pastor's Message
*Financial Statement

Communion (Regular services): 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
Fall Supper 30 September 5 pm -7 pm
Choir Practice Thursday, October 06, 6.30 pm everyone welcome
Proof of Vaccination will not be requested; Masks will be optional. Please respect every one's choice
Collection plate will be at the back of the church and will be brought forward for the offering.
singing will be permitted
Zoom participants will be muted.
Mar 27: Resume in house worship (Masks will be optional.) Please respect every one's choice
Please let me know of anyone in hosp. or other health issues.
Prayer List: we lift up (especially Roselie, Fern, Josie, Barb, Gladys, Pete & Ella, Renate, Alf & Annie, Colleen, Jan's dad Douglas, Lottie, Joyce, Kirsten, Ralph & Helen, Heddy, Kathy Kirby (Arlene Pottinger's daughter-in-law) & others lifted from my heart) Merciful God, receive our prayer.
A Reminder to all members who attend Zoom services. Please remember to send your Offering to Redeemer Lutheran by mail or drop off in the mailbox by the office door. Your financial gifts are appreciated. Thanks Rick
Pastors Thoughts - October 2022
Psalm 100: "It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."
Psalm 30 ends with: "You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to You and not be silent.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures I have chosen are beautiful to me. They speak of the thanksgiving of my heart to my God who is good; my God who turns me towards joy, and who loves me...that I might sing praises to my Lord and not be silent.
The challenges and wonders of the world are everywhere. We find these challenges and wonders, whether they be great or small, all around us; in the majesty of the trees, the prairies, the lakes, sunshine, rain/snow, creatures of earth, water and air...the geese are busy flying somewhere over my head today. Then there are the people: strangers, friends, Neighbour's; all of those we pray for (known or unknown), and those we love. Our own bodies and lives are a wonder: each breath, heartbeat, movement, thought...
What is the wonder that has caught your attention? Captures your imagination. Or what challenges? For me these psalms of thanksgiving bring me back to the One in whom I can always find peace, guidance and hope. The One who loves me and in whom I Trust in all things.
As the world continues to watch the impact and aftermath of destruction of the recent Hurricanes of Fiona and Ian, we are left in awe and humility at the power of God's creation, specifically the forces of water and wind. I know that many of you are in prayer, especially those who have loved ones in the affected areas. Millions of lives are changed forever. Including our own in the aftermath...
In our season of Thanksgiving in Manitoba and Canada, I hope the Word of the Lord continues to be the foundation of your trust and hope. In all things be thankful, even in the midst of challenges, because we do not walk alone. May we sing in response to the Lord's love and grace; Pray fiercely the promises of the Word; be joyful to live our baptized lives as children of God with joy in our hearts and souls! Thanks be to God for all things! In Christ, Pastor Laurel Seyfert
Finance Report: July/August 2022
"May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer.
Redeemer Council met at Redeemer on August 17th at 7PM
Dorothy provided the financial reports for July.
Envelope Givings and PAR in July totaled $6545.00
Total Income from all Sources for July $7741.07
Total Expenses in July $8393.98
Net Income for July $652.91 deficit
Net Income for 2022 to the end of July $10,765.55 deficit
Redeemer has resumed in-person church services and provides a live stream on Zoom EVERY SUNDAY. Come join us for coffee before the church service. WELCOME BACK!
Pancake Supper donations to the end July are $375.00. Our goal $1000.00.
Winter Shelter Project to the end of June $465.00. Our goal $1000.00.
The ‘Little Church’ will be found in the Narthex during church services, and you can donate through your envelope. Winter Shelter Project.
Council discussed having a Fall Supper this year to help our finances.
September 30th was chosen for the date. The Fall Supper conveners will be contacting everyone for food donations and working a short shift to help with what needs to be done. Our Annual Fall Supper is a huge finance raiser, and we hope our congregation will pitch in to help make it a success.
Jeremy Grasby has stepped away from being our IT guy. We need people to help with running the PowerPoint each Sunday. We will train those who are interested in learning how to live stream a service. Jeremy has made a list of instructions and he has simplified the operation. Please contact Rick Norberg.
As there is no way to safely store our new video equipment in a locked cabinet; and it is now installed in the choir loft and left hooked up and out in the open after each church service. Council needed a way to help protect it from theft or damage. We decided that a WIFI surveillance camera could be installed to watch over it. At the June Council meeting, there was no further discussion on proceeding with this idea as some Councillors thought we shouldn’t be spending any more money on this project.. Rick/Pam Norberg have voluntarily purchased a WIFI surveillance camera from Helptek and donated it to Redeemer. Jeremy has installed it. Now our new equipment has some protection.
Our revised Constitution was sent to the Synod in mid-June for their approval. Once we receive the approved Constitution from the Synod; Council will read and vote to approve it for presentation and approval by the congregation at the next Annual General Meeting in early 2023
Our concrete project has met a new obstacle and delay as Gaiser Construction does not have a crew working this year and are unable to do the complete project. Bruce Gaiser said he would help with the demolition and hauling of the old concrete as a gift to Redeemer. In June, we received a quote from one contractor for $10,000.00. Council will obtain more quotes before deciding how and when we should proceed. With this project.
I’m sure we can all agree that the concrete entrance needs to be upgraded. There is a $4000.00 Gift from the Margret Kruger Family sitting in a Concrete Fund. We would need to build our fund to meet the going price of contracted concrete work. What are your thoughts??
Come Holy Spirit!!!
Property Finance Committee
Rick Norberg Jerry Erickson Marv Hollender Don Wrobleski
2022 Elected Executive
President: Rick Norberg
Vice-President: Heddy Mueller
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor, Raynor Bookkeeping
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Life Committee: Arlene Pottinger, Heddy Mueller, Tyler Foster
Mission Committee: Sharolyn Molnar, Kathy Maxon, Jan Cuggy
Property & Finance Committee: Marv Hollender, Don Wrobleski, Jerry Erickson
Our Mailing Address:
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1