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October 2019 Newsletter

*From Pastor's Thoughts

*Council Report

*Finance Report

*Treasurers Report

*Redeemer Lutheran Ladies

Pastor's Thoughts - October 2019

Psalm 86:12 (NSRV): I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart and I will glorify your name forever.

Technology is amazing. I could easily be a "techno-geek" as my cousin's son calls it. One new thing that I have discovered (new to me but have been around a while) is special glass. When that glass shatters into countless pieces and sizes, you would think that the picture each piece reveals is a part of the whole. However, when you look into the shattered pieces individually, they each hold the complete picture in their structure. Amazing.

When we are giving thanks to our God during this season of harvest and new schedule we can be narrow in our vision of what we are being thankful for. Like the shattered pieces of glass, our lives carry the complete pictures of the many gifts we live in and with. Life can be challenging, shattering, hopeful, diverse, unexpected, overwhelming joyous, humourous... The Psalmist calls us to be thankful with our WHOLE heart and to give glory to God forever.

As I listen to the news, I find many things for which to be thankful that are outside of my life. Life surrounds us with reminders every day of God gracious gifts: Farmers of all harvests, education/educators, medical personnel and researchers for cures, artists (visual, musical (performers/writers/composers/lyricists, potters/painters, glass workers) in other words the men and women who use all the wonders of the world to express the creation of wonders. What about the wonder of language, especially the Word of God. For example, I am thankful for the winder of prayer. Prayers for others (strangers, family and friends) who we lift with trust into the hands of our God. We don't need to know their situations to lift a prayer. Bishop Susan Johnson the National Bishop of the ELCIC and the National Church Council has presented a four-year emphasis called Living our Faith: Pray Read Worship Love. The first year of Sept. 1, 2019, to Aug. 31, 2020, is dedicated to Prayer. How wonderful and marvellous it is to talk to God, and just as importantly, listen to God. All of those fractured and shattered pieces that can't be put back together by any other than Our Lord.

I encourage us all to follow the wisdom of the Psalmist: be thankful with our whole hearts and glorify God's name. If we are the shattered glass, may each piece reflect the wonder and glory of God and God's Son Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and with the Holy Spirit bring us new life and salvation. Thank you, O God, for all you give.

In Christ, Pastor Laurel Seyfert


2019 Elected Executive:

Chair: Heddy Mueller

Vice-Chair: Rick Norberg

Secretary: Kathy Maxon

Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar

Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor

Financial Committee: Rick Norberg, Wally Tetzlaff, Ed Podjan

Mission Committee: Kathy Maxon, Arlene Pottinger, Sharolyn Molnar

Parish Committee: Shelley Kretchman, Jerry Erickson, Don Wrobleski


Fall Supper: Thanks to everyone who made the Fall Supper a success


Savanna Grasby was baptized Sunday, September 29, 2019


Finance Report - September 2019 Fall has arrived in Westman. It is nice to see members return from their summer retreat. Church life is beginning to get busier. Our annual Fall Supper is on September 27th 5 to 7 pm. The council is counting on the congregation to help make this a successful event. Council met on September 18th. Dorothy reported on the month of August. Envelope Giving dropped off by $557.00 for the month. Our Year-to-Date Income shows a surplus over budget by $7083.93. Year-to-Date Expenses are under budget by $3193.75.

Our Net Income for the Year so far is $3890.15. That is better than the deficit we thought we might have. Dorothy and her staff have been working to get the PAR switched to EFT Canada. It has been a slow and red tape filled experience. She is hoping they will be on board by October. We will keep you informed as information is received at Council. In Gods Service Rick Norberg Ed Podjan and Wally Tetzlaff


Respectfully Submitted,

Dorothy Raynor

A weekly offering of $1510.00 is needed to meet the 2019 budget of $78,500


Samaritan House Winter Shelter

Toiletries for Men & Women:

Shampoo (Travel Size)




Toothbrushes(soft bristles)

Feminine hygiene products

Cold Weather Wear for Men & Women:


Women's Underwear (Sizes M & L)

Men's Underwear ( Sizes L & XL)

Socks (Good Quality)





Granola Bars

Bottled Water

Kraft Dinner (Individual Serving)

Soups/Meals (with Pop-off Tops)


Redeemer Lutheran Ladies

Ladies Fall Gathering at Erickson Saturday, October 5. If you are interested in going let Evelyn know to arrange carpooling

October meeting at Redeemer is cancelled

Bible Study Tuesday, October 15 at 1:30 pm at the Church

Ladies Breakfast Saturday, October 19 at 9:30 am at Chicken Chef (Trails West)


Members wishing to donate items to the Church are asked to speak to a Council member prior to bringing the item(s)


Debt-reduction fundraising ideas can be put in the Suggestion box in the Narthex


*Our Mailing Address

Redeemer Lutheran Church

114 Ashgrove Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 1E1




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