*From Pastor's Thoughts
*Council Report
*Finance Report
*Treasurer's Report
*Redeemer Lutheran Ladies
Pastor's Thoughts
(poem and art by Shel Silverstein 1930-1999)
(American Poet, Cartoonist, Author etc.)
She had blue skin.
And so did he.
He kept it hid.
And so did she
They searched for blue
Their whole life through
Then passed right by -
And never knew
October 29, 2019
When I lived in Regina, I had a couple of masks that looked like an old man and woman. (Got them from my mom and dad.) The plastic they were made of looked real (wrinkles and scars on the man; bright red lipstick and eyelashes on the lady). A friend who was recovering from surgery was depressed, so we donned the masks and headed out for Halloween visits at some of her friends' places. No one knew who we were. In one case the man recognized my friend's car and guessed who we were. He let us in the house. But his wife stayed far away from us because she was frightened. Otherwise, the other houses wouldn't let us in and kind of threw the candy into our bags and shut the door just as we were revealing our identities. We had a good time and my friend always keeps a photo of us in our costumes on her shelf.
One of the things that were interesting about working in the Salvation Army Thrift Store was that, at that time, we weren't allowed to sell masks. Reason? Because masks are used to disguise ourselves, to hide behind or be a cover for our actions. (Any horror movies come to mind?) When we don a mask, we can feel protected and empowered. Our actions are disconnected from our normal self.
Reformation Sunday text on October 27, 2019 (John 8:31-39) speaks of the freedom we have in being children of God. If you continue in my word."Jesus says, "...you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." When Christ is our Lord, and we live in the truth of Christ's love, grace and salvation, we have no need to hide. In fact, living in the Word and being guided by God's revelation through the Word, we discover that the masks of life fall away. In the beginning, we struggle to keep the mask in place. We don't want to reveal to the world our fears, pain, brokenness; it makes us vulnerable and open to pain and attack.
When we live wet, in other words - live in our baptism, it is a life of forgiveness, grace and mercy. Jesus Christ dies on the Cross in order that our sins are forgiven and we can live in the freedom of God love. And in that freedom, we don't need any more masks. God knows our hearts and guides our lives in the truth Jesus speaks about through the Word of God, through prayer and through the community of the faithful.
All Saints Sunday is on November 3. It is a time to remember those who came before us. The Christian believers, men women and children, were faithful believers in their lives. Not only those we know personally but those throughout the history of the faithful, all the way back to Abraham. not perfect people but people who followed God's call. Those whose lives, actions and words brought before others the story of God's love and the salvation of Christ.
May we all walk each day in the glory of Christ's resurrection and freedom of being baptized and redeemed child of God. and may we rejoice in the freedom of living in the Truth of Christ every day with no masks to hide our light but be free to let Christ's light shine through all us for all the world to see.
In Christ, Pastor Laurel Seyfert
2019 Elected Executive:
Chair: Heddy Mueller
Vice-Chair: Rick Norberg
Secretary: Kathy Maxon
Envelope Secretary: Sharolyn Molnar
Treasurer: Dorothy Raynor
Financial Committee: Rick Norberg, Wally Tetzlaff, Ed Podjan
Mission Committee: Kathy Maxon, Arlene Pottinger, Sharolyn Molnar
Parish Committee: Shelley Kretchman, Jerry Erickson, Don Wrobleski
November 3rd is All Saints Sunday, It is a day of remembrance and honour of our loved ones. Not just our loved ones but all those men and women, faithful believers of Christ. Especially we lift up our members of Redeemer Lutheran, We invite you to come forward and light a candle for a loved one in your life.
*You are invited to journey with us as we study the National Church Council The Call to Faithfully Journey with those who are Dying: An ELCIC Resolution over a period of a few weeks. We will begin on Sunday, November 3, 2019.
This and other items can be found at http://www.elcic.ca/Decisions-at-the-end-of-life/
If you do not have internet access, please let Pastor know and she can print off a copy for you.
*If Pastor Laurel's office doors are locked, please check to see if the "In a Meeting" sign is posted on the door. If it is posted, please respect it and return at another time.
*EVERYONE must take care regarding locking of doors. Both outside doors have been found unlocked and as well as the doors for the church offices. (Also, to switching off the handicap button on the front door.) (Also, turning off lights on both levels of the building.)
Finance Report: October 2019
Council met on October 16th. We had many financial items to discuss. Some good...some not so good.
On the good side... The Fall supper was a great success!! There were many who got involved with the task at hand. It was great to see everybody working together and happy to help. Thank you to all who helped in whatever way. The supper generated $2700.00 less $335.00 in expenses.
Now for the not so good stuff...
Dorothy Raynor and her staff have been diligently trying since August to get Redeemer registered with EFT Canada to replace the PAR giving with Faithlife Financial. they keep running into issues and have exhausted their patience with EFT Canada. Therefore, Council has asked her to stop negotiations with EFT Canada and pursue a new avenue on advice from Bishop Jason. It is through ELCIC and with the United Church of Canada. We have faith that this avenue will come with fewer pitfalls and hopefully be set up by the end of the year. Council is asking all those who were on the PAR Program to issue cheques to Redeemer through your envelopes to catch up on your giving as the last PAR payment happened in August. Our bank account needs the extra input as we are hovering around the overdraft level. You can issue cheques for September, October and post date for November and December if you wish. PAR giving for September was a Zero and there will be no PAR for October either. Your help is needed.
September giving was $4365.00 and was $2475.00 behind the projected budget amount. We need to bring this number up as our total for the year has dropped from $2417.53 down to -$57.47
On the Expense side for the year we are $3247.05 over budget. Our Net Income for the year is sitting at $1291.64
In God's Service
Property & Finance Committee
Rick Norberg, Ed Podjan & Wally Tetzlaff
A weekly offering of $1,510.00 is needed to meet the 2019 budget of $78,500
Samaritan House Winter Shelter
Toiletries for Men & Women:
Shampoo (Travel Size)
Toothbrushes(soft bristles)
Feminine hygiene products
Cold Weather Wear for Men & Women:
Women's Underwear (Sizes M & L)
Men's Underwear ( Sizes L & XL)
Socks (Good Quality)
Granola Bars
Bottled Water
Kraft Dinner (Individual Serving)
Soups/Meals (with Pop-off Tops)
Redeemer Lutheran Ladies
Ladies Meeting: November 11, 1:30 p.m. at the Church
Bible Study: November 19, 1:30 p.m. at the Church
Ladies Breakfast: November 16, 9:30 a.m. at Chicken Chef (Trails West)
Members wishing to donate items to the Church are asked to speak to a Council Member prior to bringing the item(s).
Debt-reduction fundraising ideas can be put in the Suggestion Box in the Narthex
*Our Mailing Address
Redeemer Lutheran Church
114 Ashgrove Boulevard
Brandon, MB R7B 1E1